Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Playing with puppet vol VII - Oracle module

I've found a puppet module used for installation of Oracle database. It can install database software (Single DB, RAC, Grid, ASM), apply patches and create/start DB instances (see link above for complete list of features). I'll use it to install oracle home, upgrade opatch to and to apply PSU11 and timezone patch.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Virtual cdrom eject using libvirt

Today's post will be about ejecting virtual cdrom using libvirt.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Playing with puppet vol VI - provisioning centos machines vol II

Last time I've been trying to provision centos machines with kickstart and puppet. But It was not perfect because I had to manually append kickstart file to kernel. Today I'll remove this manual step.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Playing with puppet vol V - provisioning centos machines

Today I'll try to setup provisioning of centos machines. I'll boot netinstall iso, install system via kickstart and setup system with puppet.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Playing with puppet vol IV - Centos 6

Previously I've been playing with resources on Centos 7. Now I'll try to apply these resources on Centos 6.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Playing with puppet vol III - resources

Today's puppet blog will be about resources. What kind of resources are out there, how to define them and how to set relationship between them. I'll use same setup as in the previous post.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Using fallocate instead of dd for creating empty files

I've been always using dd for empty disk image creation (for new virtual machine for example). But I've found out a better tool. It called fallocate.

Playing with puppet vol II - module

In the previous post I have installed puppet using master/agent architecture. Today I'm not expecting puppet to do more work. I want it to do the same job but witch much better way. And that's what modules are for.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Playing with puppet

In last couple of days I've been playing with puppet a lot. In today's post I'll describe howto install and configure puppet using agent/master architecture. Used OS is Centos 7.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Udev as alternative for ASMlib in virtual Centos 6

I was trying to setup RAC in virtual environment. My virtual machines are Centos 6.5. Unfortunatelly there is no kmod-oracleasm for default kernel 2.6.32-431. To be completelly true, there is required kernel module, but it is only available for redhat subscribers. There I will describe how to use udev instead of asmlib.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Simulating long distance network in Data Guard environment

I was curious about Oracle Data Guard over long distance with synchronous redo transfer. In this mode session waits on commit until redo is written on standby site. When standby is far far away, most time is spent on waiting for redo write acknowledgement. I will show it in today's post.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Use docker search over proxy on Centos 7

I was playing with docker little bit. After while I found out that I'm unable to interact with docker hub registry. Of course it is proxy. Again.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Add Oracle database related services to firewalld

I was setting up data guard environment on Centos 7 machine for testing purposes. Usually I disable iptables firewall at first, but this time firewall stays on and I'll make all necessary holes into it.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Installing MPlayer on Centos 7

Today's post will describe how to install MPlayer from ATRPMS on Centos 7 machine. And yes, RPM dependency hell included.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Poor man's implementation of rdesktop configuration

In my current job I have to connect to various windows boxes with rdesktop. It is really annoying to pass all options and parameters on command line. I would prefer some kind of configuration for storing connection information for servers. Something like ~/.rdesktoprc. Poor man's implementation of resktop config will be discussed in this post.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pidgin on Centos 7 - quick and dirty way

I would like to install pidgin on my Centos 7 machine. Unfortunatelly there are no native rpm packages available. This post will describe how to install pidgin with Fedora 19 rpms.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Install GNOME 3 on top of minimal Centos 7 installation

I was trying to install pidgin on Centos 7 virtual machine. Unfortunatelly it was only minimal server installation. In this post I will describe how to install GNOME 3 to already installed machine.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

NIC teaming on Centos 7

I've heard a lot about link aggregation, teaming or bonding but I've never tried it. Until now. In this post I will demonstrate how to setup NIC teaming on CentOS 7 virtual host.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Install CentOS 7 with kickstart over proxy

In the previous post, I've installed CentOS 7 with kickstart and pxeboot. Unfortunatelly I was doing this in work and of course I'm behind proxy server. It is not as easy as I might think.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Install virtual Centos 7 with pxe and kickstart on real Centos 7 machine

I was wondering how pxe works and how to use it. In today's post I will look at it a little closer. First goal is to boot Centos 7 installation over pxe. Second goal is to perform unattended system installation with kickstart.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rdesktop on CentOS 7

I tried to install rdesktop rpm. But I didn't manage to find rpm for centos 7. Only rpm I could find was one from repoforge (http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rdesktop/). Unfortunatelly installation failed on missing dependency: